Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Twitter, get on the edge!

Over the weekend I got together with some friends for a friendly game of Texas hold'em. We do this every few months, mostly as an excuse to get together and catch up.  My friend Tim works in the IT field and I met him a few years ago. Over this time we've had more than our fair share of arguments, from OS's  to Anti-virus programs. After one of our scrimmages, I realized that I love arguing with Tim, So, I grabbed my phone and quickly pulled up my twitter account and asked Tim for his handle. He looked at me oddly and laughed, his response was "Who is going to follow me?", "I'm going to my room." as he air types as if to be tweeting. It reminds me of the Verizon commercial where the dad is updating his twitter from the porch.

These image of twitter is what comes to mind for many people when they hear the word twitter, to be honest with you this was also the impression I had of Twitter.

 Now, Fast-forward to Wednesday, I was working on a lab with some fellow interns. We were talking about the Raspberry Pi and the Linux OS, somehow I ended up mentioning  the Anonymous Linux OS and peoples comments on twitter, one of the co-workers giggled. I asked him if he had a twitter account and he replied, "No, what for? I'm going to the kitchen!", was his response.  I explained that it is a lot more than just that. You can follow tech news better than any publication ever could, your basically on the cutting edge. That's when I realized that the person laughing should of been me and that I love living on the cutting edge and twitter allows me to do so.

People need forget what they have heard about twitter and try it. Who knows, you may find that it has a lot more to offer then you have been lead to believe, at least that is what I have found. In fact twitter is more like this AT&T commercial, So 10 seconds ago...


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