Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I'm at MATC.

I decided to attend MATC a few years out of H.S. in 1999. I took a lot of regular courses without a real focus on any core courses. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I bought a 100Mhz computer form a friend for $100 and it was mostly only because he insisted that I buy it.  I would sit around and tinker with it and eventually began over clocking it. I got it around 133Mhz by the use of some toggle switches on the motherboard. It was very exciting for me to increase the speed and to see it post.

It was at that time that I decided to go into the IT field and I decided on Networking Specialist. Even though I had never really thought of what that really meant. I just wanted to work on computers. A few years later I got married and dropped out of school. I became a father and eventually a home owner. I would still dream of that IT degree I left behind.

Their was one thing that my Data Communications class taught me in 2001, to keep current by subscribing to magazines. I subscribed to Maximum PC for the past 11 years. I have kept up on technology and hardware as best I can. I would drool over new gadgets and be mesmerized by colored hand held devices at the store and in print. I would still tinker with electronics and really took to computers like a fish to water. I would work 8 hours a day and couldn’t wait to get home and play another 5 hours with electronics.

 Finally, In 2010 I was laid-off and found myself with a chance to return to MATC and finish my career. I spoke to my wife and we crunched some numbers and decided that we could make it work. Looking back, being laid-off has been a real blessing. If it weren’t for the lay-off I may still be contemplating going back to school to finish my degree, now the sky seems to be the limit and I’m even more excited about Networking than ever before.


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